Friday, November 26, 2010

I Like Being Me!

Hi, read on, read on.

Hi, if you know me, you know I'm overweight. And, you know what? I like it. You know why? I'll tell you why! I will tell you! If any of you get offended, I'm sorry, DEAL WITH IT. I have been dealing with it my whole life. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's not healthy, but, in reality nothing is "healthy" and even if you really try you can't have a "healthy" life style. Trust me. I've tried. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Anyways, I like being fat because I can eat what I want. What I've noticed when I go out to eat with thin people, they're are all like
"No, no, I'll have a water and salad. No avocados."
Well, guess what? I'm already fat, I don't give a crap. I don't go Wendy's to get a salad, I got to Wendy's to get a Baconator. Those are good. :)

Another reason would be no one notices crap. If you're thin, and you gain give pounds, you're most likely up two sizes already and everyone is making a big deal about it. If you're fat and you gain weight, no one notices. I dyed my hair, I cut my hair, I gained weight, and no one noticed! I tell you, it really works!

Moreover, bigger girls ACTUALLY have a personality. I mean, growing up, people automatically liked you for having nice hair, and being thin. You never had to do anything special you just were. Guess what? No one "automatically" liked me. I was the chubby girl who had frizzy hair. I had to try, I had to develop a personality. I wasn't cute, so I had to be nice or funny. So, I have a sense of humor and sometimes I'm nice. I have a great smile, by the way.

The best part about being fat is the gays. I have known so many gay guys. They're just fun, they're lively, bubbly. I don't really know, but there is just something about the gays and fat girls, we just come together. We have a good time.

And that is why I like being me.

Why Would ANYONE Listen To Their Heart??

Hello, and welcome to my blog.

Why would ANYONE listen to their heart? Your brain is in your head. Your heart is stupid. Your heart doesn't know anything. All it does is feel a bunch of crap that you're clearly NOT suppose to feel. Yeah. Don't EVER listen to your heart.

Ever. I'm serious.
Now, now, children. Y'all might wonder what horrible love life I have. I don't. I've actually never had a real boyfriend. I've never been really kissed, nothing really. I'm a lonely person. Hugs? Yeah, who the hell doesn't give hugs? That's like saying hello nowadays.
Now, y'all are thinking I'm this disfigured freak. I'm not. I'm not beautiful, I'm not perfect, I'm not pretty, I'm okay. I'm not thin, I'm just okay-- We'll get into that next time. That a whole different story.
Anywho, yes. Never, ever, ever, listen to your heart. Your heart is nothing. It just feels crap it shouldn't be feeling. You have to turn it off. My heart is officially turned off. You better turns your off, too. If you expect too much, you're going to get hurt. If you care too much, you're going to get hurt. If you actually FEEL anything, TOWARDS anyone, you WILL get hurt. I'm just saying.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I assume you all have heard "Whip My Hair" By Willow Smith. Have you seen the video? If not, check it out below.

Go. Watch it. Now.

Good. You're back. Okay, let's go over this friggin' video.

Okay, so the video starts with her in a friggin' school that's like for zombies or some crap like that and she comes on, with her hair braided in a friggin' heart. What? What the hell? Seriously. Who the hell does she think she is, Lady Gaga? And then she has like diamond STICKERS on her lip...what? Please, someone...EXPLAIN! Her eyelashes have some kind of friggin' SNOW on them. I'm pretty sure it's not healthy to wear mascara at such a young age.

Moving on, she dips her HAIR into PAINT. Seriously...who DOES that? Wait, wait, here comes the best part...she "WHIPS HER HAIR BACK AND FORTH!", and in SECONDS she paints the whole room. What? No, no, hold up, and then they all just whip their hair back and forth. The teacher comes and she..."WHIPS HER HAIR BACK AND FORTH"...and then theres this part with a baby "dropping low"

I mean...WHAT? After watching that... I was literally SCARRED for life. Don't get me wrong, this is better than Justin Beaver-Teeth, but, I PRAY for future generations music.
I mean, what? Yet, again, she sounds better than most of todays ADULT singer, the song has the same quality, the same meaning as other songs played in the radio, and a CHILD sang this. Poor thing, she must have had neck-pain and massive headaches after that video...

I kinda like the song. After a few hundred plays, it does get annoying. The dreaded time for my departure has arrived, I shall leave and quip my quill to and fro.



I knew tonight was going to be special, everyone was talking about the ball. Since a few weeks back, it was the talk of town, everyone in the high society was attending the precious and expensive ball. I was anxious, nervous, and excited, tonight was the ball. I had my creamy light yellow dress all ready, my hair was curled; tonight was the big night!
As I entered the room, I saw many familiar faces, and many unknown. My creamy light yellow dress stood out against darker colors, such as navy blue, purple, and green. Instead of taking this as a fail, I took it as an advantage. I was finally going to be noticed.
A gentleman caught my eye, he wore a rather fancy black suit, a top hat, and freshly polished shoes. His hair was brown and it had slight curls and the most amazing smile I'd ever seen. As soon as he smiled, I smiled back. He was perfect. I turned to Veronica and quietly told her about what had just recently happened.
"He smiled at me! That one over there Do you know anything about him?" I hurriedly whispered. She discreetly glanced over.
"His name is Stefan Anthony Scott, he works for my father. He is a hard worked, handsome, and a really sweet gentleman. You got yourself a good one, Miranda." She whispered back.
The songs started and gentlemen started to walk to the ladies and asked them to dance. I was so excited I was sweating. Tonight is going to be a special night! I thought as I saw him walking towards me out of the corner of my eye. Veronica, who was right beside me, discreetly nudged me. I nodded back and smiled.
I felt him behind me.
"Excuse me?" He said in a deep, sweet, caramel coated voice. Take a deep breath! I slowly turned.
"Yes?" I said as I smiled into his sweet brown eyes.
"Um, can you call your friend, Veronica. You're her friend, Anabelle, right?" He said, in that hypnotizing voice,
"I'm Miranda. I'll call her right away." I said as I turned and walked towards Veronica.
"How'd it go?" She asked
"He wants to dance with you. He's in love with you." I said, in a daze.
"What?" She asked, clearly confused.
"Just. Go." I said. I faked a smile, swallowed my pride, and nodded.
I watched her as she walked towards him, with such a grace, such an elegance. I swallowed my tears, my pride, and I watched them dance. They made such a good couple, both elegant, rich, and flawless. They were in sync, their moves went smoothly, as if practiced. Right then, I knew they were soul mates, and I couldn't do a thing about it. I did what I always did when I was let down or disappointed; I smiled. The song ended and they went out to the balcony and talked.
A year later they were married. Two years later they had children. And all I could do was smile. For I was the Godmother, I was the neighbor helping with the troubles, celebrating the good news, crying for the bad. Indeed, that night was a special night.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Positive Teachers

Crappy Blog

We all have that ONE teacher who is so positive about everything. My English teacher finds more meaning in words than the ACTUAL author. The thing that bothers me, the only thing she suggests the author is trying to say is all positive things. NO, NO, NO! What I see is the lady is HUNGRY, the bird does not "symbolize" hope, it "symbolizes" FOOD. Gosh. >:(

I also am pretty sure Shakespeare was a PEDOPHILE or something. In Romeo And Juliette, Juliette is 13 and it is suggested that Romeo was in this late teens, so were the others. What kind of TWISTED AUTHOR DOES THAT? Seriously.

Another positive teacher I have, I really like her. She like, rubs off all her positiveness on me. I'm positive and happy after that class. She kinda gives me hope, and all that happy, lovey-dovey crap. She makes me believe. I don't like it.

Well, that is all. Go read another friggin' blog post or friggin' comment.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bottled Up Inside

Crappy Poem

Pride won't let me cry
Perfection won't let me quit
Troubles won't let me go
I'm stuck in the middle
It's all bottled up inside

But there comes a moment
Were you can't
You just can't
Theres no room
Theres no space
It's all bottled up inside

You know what's worse?
When you don't have anyone
When you do, you don't want to burden them
They're smiles, they're laughs
It's too much to destroy
Just hide it and
Bottle it up inside

It's bad when you have to go through it alone
You wipe your own tears
You hug your own self
You are your own best friend
It's too much
It's all bottled up inside

There's nothing you can do
There's nothing you can show.
The fear of being judged
Of being laughed at
Of being humiliated
Once happened
Never again
So, it's all bottled up inside

See, the rest don't really understand
They all have someone
A person who is there to catch you when you fall
Some of us don't have anyone
Some of us have to get through this alone.
It's all bottled up inside

You get nowhere with this
Pride won't let you cry
Perfection won't let you quit
Troubles build up
It's a vicious cycle of trouble
It's all bottled up inside.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A World Full Of Words

Yet Another Crappy Poem

As she exits the library,
Beaming with pleasure, anxiety, and joy
She knows what it's front of her, yet she doesn't.
A new book.
A new adventure.

She slowly opens the book,
Safe at home, in her room
On her old white chair, with a coffee mug by her side
She sits there for hours
Lost in the book
Lost in the story
Lost in a world full of world

She sits for hours,
She reads and reads,
until she gets ordered to go to bed
She finishes one, two, three books a day
Absorbing, learning, knowing
Learning from authors
Learning from the characters
Learning from a world full of words

A lot wonder why she does it
Is she a nerd?
She really likes reading?
She does it when she needs an escape
A book is the best it gets
She doesn't need drugs,
She doesn't need alcohol
A book will do the trick.
A world full of words

She knows that
A book holds the key to whole new world
It's more of a portal to a new universe.
A book can teach her more than any teacher
A book can hold you
A book can help you escape while you don't even move
A book will lend a hand
A book will give advice
A book will be her best friend.
And that, she knows.
A book is a world full of adventures
Full of stories
Full of advice
Full of everything that nobody can give her
A book is a world full of words

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Heart Breaker

Crappy Poem

Heart Breaker.
It's over. Let's take a break.
That's what you are
Not really innocent,
I didn't do it!
Not really in fault.
So sweet, so pure, so cynical
So sinister
Such a sweetheart, such a gentlemen
Such a heart breaker.

I guess I should thank you,
Might as well do it now,
Thank you!
You can trust me.
Thank you so much!
You know I'd never hurt you
Thanks for letting me know,
Thanks for teaching me,
That friends make the best liars.
Thank you for letting me trust
Thanks for letting me down.
It's over. Let's take a break.
Thank you, Heart Breaker

I guess I should warn the other, too
Hey, what's your name?
He's a sweetheart, he's a gentlemen
He's smart, he has wit,
I love that, too!
He has resources, he has contacts
He's a dream...that slowly turns into a nightmare
He's a Heart Breaker

I always watched my back
Ready for the next backstabber,
I was just kidding!
Ready for the next mistake
I didn't mean to!
Ready for the next excuse
Ready for the next secret
The next betrayal.
I would never hurt you.
Too bad I didn't see what was in front of me

I guess it's all right,
Call it a mistake, if that makes you feel better
I'm sorry!
You want to know something?
Hear me ou--
Not this time, Romeo
This time you were cheated
This time you lost.
I can be,
A Heart Breaker.

What Do You Know?

Crappy Poem

What do you know of pain, of betrayal, of rage?
When they humiliate you until they're satisfied
When you can't seem to find any more tears
When they hurt you all the way to your soul
What do you know?

What do you know of
Hundred of days, that seemed like eternity
Of the pushing and the shoving and the name calling
Feeling like you're lost, dead, empty, but surviving
When pain is all you have inside
What do you know?

Tell me,
Do you know real pain?
Answer me.
What do you know.

What do you know of
When you really admire and adore a person
When they treat you like your trash
When you want to tell them
But you know you can't
They'll laugh and they'll keep on teasing
And you know you have to keep quiet as
Pain and embarrassment consume you
What do you know?

What do you know of
Having a wish,
Having hope,
Having something driving you forward
Having something keeping you alive
When that gets crushed,
You are forced to grow up
In a matter of seconds, of minutes, of hours
And are forced to face the truth.
What do you know about that?