Thursday, November 11, 2010

Positive Teachers

Crappy Blog

We all have that ONE teacher who is so positive about everything. My English teacher finds more meaning in words than the ACTUAL author. The thing that bothers me, the only thing she suggests the author is trying to say is all positive things. NO, NO, NO! What I see is the lady is HUNGRY, the bird does not "symbolize" hope, it "symbolizes" FOOD. Gosh. >:(

I also am pretty sure Shakespeare was a PEDOPHILE or something. In Romeo And Juliette, Juliette is 13 and it is suggested that Romeo was in this late teens, so were the others. What kind of TWISTED AUTHOR DOES THAT? Seriously.

Another positive teacher I have, I really like her. She like, rubs off all her positiveness on me. I'm positive and happy after that class. She kinda gives me hope, and all that happy, lovey-dovey crap. She makes me believe. I don't like it.

Well, that is all. Go read another friggin' blog post or friggin' comment.

1 comment:

  1. lol your friggin' weird oh and bu the way marriage at a young age during Shakespeare's time was actually very normal
    LOVE YA!!!
    damn i sound like a smart ass
