Monday, March 21, 2011

Being a Stalker and Diets

Hi, my name is Brenda and... I'm a chocoholic. Sometimes, I'm so darn pathetic. Sometimes. So, my mom bought this piece of heaven at some store. She bought a Triple Chocolate Cake. We were celebrating some good grade of mine. I think. Or someone's birthday. Anyways, who cares, right? Free cake, gobble, gobble. Gobble. So, then, my mom left to run some errands, I'm not entirely sure what they were, but, she probably went and did whatever mom do. Point is, she left me alone with a piece of heaven AKA Triple Chocolate Cake.

Let's just say. By the time she was back. There was no cake. Wait, before you start judging me, I have to explain. We have ALL been there were we like someone and we kinda, uh, stalk them. Is that just me? Nah, nah, nah. It can't be. Well, anyways, so, while I was waiting pathetically and sadly by the stupid phone for him to call me, I started eating cake. And I also kinda watched the first two season's of Grey's Anatomy. See? Pathetic. But, we have ALL done it. I think. So, at the end of day he never called and I finished the cake. Yay me. Oh, and I helped him get a girlfriend. So, now he has a girlfriend and I'm pretty sure I gained five pounds...

Lesson Learned? Yes. Lesson Number Two: Stalking is bad.
Lesson Number three: Guys suck.

Goodbye now...I think I'll go run and then eat another cake. Cake and tea. Cake = every bit is like a hug. Tea = it's like a hug in a cup. :)

Being An Idiot and S.P.W.S.R.U's

Hello all. Long time no see.

I have a crap load of homework, but I felt as though this uh, issue, should be discussed. So, today we were doing a group activity and I asked a simple question. Here is how the conversation went:

Me: What's you GPA?
S.P.W.S.R.U.: ...
S.P.W.S.R.U.: What?
Me: *walks away in frustration*

S.P.W.S.R.U = Stupid Person Who Shall Remain Unnamed. This conversation was with one of my friends. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my friends, but sometimes, maybe it's because we get not sleep, or SOMETHING but sometimes we are the biggest idiots. Ever. Ah, how I love my friends. We may be idiots, but, I have to admit. We are freakin' hilarious. Not to brag or anything but I'm amazing.
Haha! Anywho, people, lesson learned? Lesson Learned Today: Don't be an idiot.

Thank you. That is all.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Be Happy

Hello, everyone

Well, I've had a very tiresome months. But, it's safe to say that I'm happy. I feel happy, I feel good about myself. Yeah I don't look like most girls, like "the" skinny girls. But I have my personality to make up for it, and I'm smart. Haha! I am happy. Feels good to say that.
Yeah, I don't have a boyfriend, but my dog is better! Haha!

Mostly what has inspired me is Adele and Meghan Tonjes. Those ladies are AH-MAZING! I feel as though I can be anything, do anything, accomplish anything, I feel so pumped and happy. Adele and Meghan Tonjes give me hope. That's what it is. Hope. Hoping against all odds, against all logic.

All in all, I feel happy. Happy to be alive, happy to be single, happy to be free, happy to be me. If I believe and try hard enough, I can do anything. :D Right? YES! YES WE CAN! You can, too. :) Goodbye totally amazing and beautiful people! :D