Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Being Outside Your Comfort Zone

Hello, Internet Creatures.

I hate, hate, hate, being outside my comfort zone. I mean, I don't think that any one likes it, but, today I realized there's a whole world out there. Yeah, I barely realized today. There is so much more than what you know, what you have right now, so much better. Yet, we're afraid of trying it.
It's never too late to "renew" yourself. It's never too late to change, or to step out your comfort zone. Which is what I'm going to work on. Starting today. Okay, fine, tomorrow.

Tomorrow, well, mostly because I have a speech for Political Science. And I need to be more outgoing and participate more and whatnot. So, yeah. This is like my personal new made up New Year, with my new New Year's Resolution. Yes. Haha!

Lesson Learned? Yes. Get out of your comfort zone for once! :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Being a Stalker and Diets

Hi, my name is Brenda and... I'm a chocoholic. Sometimes, I'm so darn pathetic. Sometimes. So, my mom bought this piece of heaven at some store. She bought a Triple Chocolate Cake. We were celebrating some good grade of mine. I think. Or someone's birthday. Anyways, who cares, right? Free cake, gobble, gobble. Gobble. So, then, my mom left to run some errands, I'm not entirely sure what they were, but, she probably went and did whatever mom do. Point is, she left me alone with a piece of heaven AKA Triple Chocolate Cake.

Let's just say. By the time she was back. There was no cake. Wait, before you start judging me, I have to explain. We have ALL been there were we like someone and we kinda, uh, stalk them. Is that just me? Nah, nah, nah. It can't be. Well, anyways, so, while I was waiting pathetically and sadly by the stupid phone for him to call me, I started eating cake. And I also kinda watched the first two season's of Grey's Anatomy. See? Pathetic. But, we have ALL done it. I think. So, at the end of day he never called and I finished the cake. Yay me. Oh, and I helped him get a girlfriend. So, now he has a girlfriend and I'm pretty sure I gained five pounds...

Lesson Learned? Yes. Lesson Number Two: Stalking is bad.
Lesson Number three: Guys suck.

Goodbye now...I think I'll go run and then eat another cake. Cake and tea. Cake = every bit is like a hug. Tea = it's like a hug in a cup. :)

Being An Idiot and S.P.W.S.R.U's

Hello all. Long time no see.

I have a crap load of homework, but I felt as though this uh, issue, should be discussed. So, today we were doing a group activity and I asked a simple question. Here is how the conversation went:

Me: What's you GPA?
S.P.W.S.R.U.: ...
S.P.W.S.R.U.: What?
Me: *walks away in frustration*

S.P.W.S.R.U = Stupid Person Who Shall Remain Unnamed. This conversation was with one of my friends. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my friends, but sometimes, maybe it's because we get not sleep, or SOMETHING but sometimes we are the biggest idiots. Ever. Ah, how I love my friends. We may be idiots, but, I have to admit. We are freakin' hilarious. Not to brag or anything but I'm amazing.
Haha! Anywho, people, lesson learned? Lesson Learned Today: Don't be an idiot.

Thank you. That is all.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Be Happy

Hello, everyone

Well, I've had a very tiresome months. But, it's safe to say that I'm happy. I feel happy, I feel good about myself. Yeah I don't look like most girls, like "the" skinny girls. But I have my personality to make up for it, and I'm smart. Haha! I am happy. Feels good to say that.
Yeah, I don't have a boyfriend, but my dog is better! Haha!

Mostly what has inspired me is Adele and Meghan Tonjes. Those ladies are AH-MAZING! I feel as though I can be anything, do anything, accomplish anything, I feel so pumped and happy. Adele and Meghan Tonjes give me hope. That's what it is. Hope. Hoping against all odds, against all logic.

All in all, I feel happy. Happy to be alive, happy to be single, happy to be free, happy to be me. If I believe and try hard enough, I can do anything. :D Right? YES! YES WE CAN! You can, too. :) Goodbye totally amazing and beautiful people! :D

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

You Make Me Want Believe In Love

Poem. Crappy poem. Enjoy.

Finally found my way,
Found my way to you
But I'm scared,
And to love, I'm impaired
You make me want to believe in love

Finally found a man
Someone I can trust,
Promise me you wont walk away
You make want me believe in love

I think I'm drowning in your sweet eyes,
Or maybe I'm drowning in your sweet lies
I don't know,
But right now, I really don't care
Hold me, tell me you love me
You make me believe in love

I think I want this,
This wonderful feeling
This bliss, this kiss
Kiss me again, who I really am, you're slowly revealing
Who I once was, you're slowly healing
Tell me again, whisper it in my ear, once again
Erase my fears, erase this pain
Hold me again, I wont complain
You make me want to believe in love

How do you do this?
Why do I melt with every kiss
How do you make me smile?
Why do I get so wild
Don't walk away
Stay, just for today
You make me want to believe in love

Hold me, once more
Kiss me, one more time
I want to stay here forever
Right here, in your arms
Make me smile,
Make me someone else,
Make me believe,
Make me believe in love

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Against My Will

You know those amazing people? That give you compliments and just make your day by being alive? Those people you have a crush on but never admit it?

I was holding on to letting go
Too busy being alone to notice you
I never thought you would actually
Sweep me off my feet,
Drag me to the castle, against my will,
Made me your princess and promised me you'll forever be my prince

Against my will,
You gently drag me to the center of the floor
Against my will,
You made me feel something I had never felt before
Against my will,
I got lost inside your mysterious, sweet brown eyes
Against my will,
Your smile made me smile
Against my will
I said I Do

The Promise of A Best Friend

Inspired to make this poem because of best friends. Best friends are amazing. And it sucks when you don't have one. When you're pretty lonely, but you still make it through.
I miss my best friend. Enjoy my crappy poem!:)

If if you fall, I'll carry you
If you cry, I'll cry, too
If you're happy, I'll be happy, too
If you jump, I'll jump, too.
I'll follow you and lift you from the dark
I promise you, we'll be alright

Not the girl I use to know,
Tell me everything you've done,
Tell me what you've become
I'll try to make it better,
Or at least, to keep you together
Don't fall apart just yet,

It's okay, I'm ashamed of what I've done
Of what I've become
I try to keep it together,
I can't fall apart,
Take my hand,
I promise you,
I promise you on everything I have
I promise you on everything I don't have
I promise you, we'll make it through.

It's been a long time,
You've changed,
And I've changed, too.
Yet still, no ones happier
Than I am for you

No one knows me better
You came into my life
At my worst time
I was a wreck
You sat down and said

"It's okay, I'm pretty messed up, too
If if you fall, I'll carry you
If you cry, I'll cry, too
If you're happy, I'll be happy, too
If you jump, I'll jump, too.
I'll follow you and lift you from the dark
I promise you, we'll be alright"

Sunday, January 16, 2011

As A Result

As a result of three weeks of doing nothing productive, my poetry has gotten worse than ever. Not only am I now not inspired, when I am inspired I cannot find the correct words to express myself. It get's quite irritating. Another thing that is horrible, I haven't read a book in three weeks. That's like, whoa.

The only productive thing was watch three seasons of "The Mentalist" and watch old episodes of "Scrubs" and "Criminal Minds". I have to say, I'm in love with "The Mentalist", Jane is so adorable, he is very much childlike and yet so wise. Another great character is Lisbon, oh, she's a hero. She's amazing. The Mentalist rocks my socks off. Check it out. Seriously, and then help me figure out who Red John is.

Seriously you guys, check out "The Mentalist". You won't regret it.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Expectations coming at me left and right
Scared to fail,
Pressured to perfection
Everything must be complete with no mistakes
Give up everything that matters, its now gone,
Being forced to be someone you're not
I'm sick of all these expectations

I want to quit, but I want to make you happy
I want to give up, but I want to make you proud
I want to leave, but I want your acceptance
I try, I really do but there comes a time...I need a break

Scared to fail,
Pressured to perfection
Everything must be complete with no mistakes
The cycle begins once again
And I'll fulfill these expectations


I want to you make you happy
I want to make you proud
I'm sick of all the expectations coming at me left and right

Friday, January 7, 2011

Stupid Boy

I hate how you make me feel
I hate how you undo me,
A girl made of steel
Stupid mouth, please shut up
Don't give me away
Don't betray me, we had an agreement!
There you go babbling and stuttering
And then you leave

I hate how your perfect
I hate how you see through me
I hate when you sit next to me,
I get all weird, all jibbery, all stupid
A girl made of steel,
And then you leave

I hate how much I want you
I hate how I can't breathe
I hate you so much,
A girl made of steel
You don't know anything, do you?
You don't know how much I want to hold your hand
You don't know how much I try to be steel around you
You don't know how much I hate you
You don't know how much I love you
You don't know I'm leaving tomorrow

I hate how you come in and say "Hey girl, how you been?"
I hate how it's obvious we both want each other
But we still don't see it, we're still blind,
Stupid heart, shut up.
I'm a girl made of steel

I'm leaving tonight and I still hate you
My plane leaves in an hour
Stupid boy, you should've tried
I'm not all steel, you see another side of me
You undo me, make me someone else
A girl made of steel

There you were in the airport
You hugged me close and I couldn't breathe
You kissed my cheek and said "Girl, I'm sorry"
Stupid boy, I love you so much
I nod and smile, tears rushing out
You wipe them away, crying yourself
"You're a girl made of steel, I know."
You're eyes saying everything unsaid
And then you left
You left a girl made of steel undone and confused
Stupid boy.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Why I Don't Like Cats

Alright, if you know me, then you do know I don't like cats. A lot of people often ask me,
"Brenda, why don't you like cats? They're adorable!" I don't think so. Nu-uh. I think cats are plotting to kill me.


I had a cat once, she was adorable and whatnot. Until I found out she was plotting to kill me. Okay, okay, don't call me crazy just yet. Look, she brought me dead animals. That wasn't a gift. That was a warning.

Also, after she use the litter box she kicked excessive amounts of of kitty litter, often ending everywhere. You know what that was for? Burying bodies.

Cats are just plain creepy. I mean, hiding out and watching me. What are you, Edward Cullen or something? I tell you, cats want to kill me. All of them. I recently visited a friend and she had a cat, his name was "Prince". Stupid Prince, I was petting him and he BIT me. What is up with that?

I don't know about you guys, but I'm sticking with dogs from now on.