Yet Another Crappy Poem
As she exits the library,
Beaming with pleasure, anxiety, and joy
She knows what it's front of her, yet she doesn't.
A new book.
A new adventure.
She slowly opens the book,
Safe at home, in her room
On her old white chair, with a coffee mug by her side
She sits there for hours
Lost in the book
Lost in the story
Lost in a world full of world
She sits for hours,
She reads and reads,
until she gets ordered to go to bed
She finishes one, two, three books a day
Absorbing, learning, knowing
Learning from authors
Learning from the characters
Learning from a world full of words
A lot wonder why she does it
Is she a nerd?
She really likes reading?
She does it when she needs an escape
A book is the best it gets
She doesn't need drugs,
She doesn't need alcohol
A book will do the trick.
A world full of words
She knows that
A book holds the key to whole new world
It's more of a portal to a new universe.
A book can teach her more than any teacher
A book can hold you
A book can help you escape while you don't even move
A book will lend a hand
A book will give advice
A book will be her best friend.
And that, she knows.
A book is a world full of adventures
Full of stories
Full of advice
Full of everything that nobody can give her
A book is a world full of words
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